Featured Projects
Beaver Lake Dam, Bedford, NY
This dam was over 250 feet long, breached in the middle. We installed a new concrete cap, spillway with stop log structure and downstream rip rap for scour protection. More... |
McLean Game Refuge, Granby, CT
This project consisted of Phase 1, construct a diversion dam to Trout Pond and a fish passageway. Phase 2 was to completely remove Trout Pond Dam which was in very poor condition and replace with a stepped spillway as well as streambank protection for both sites. More... |
Van Heusen Dam, Roxbury, CT
This dam was leaking badly was in danger of collapse. The owner wanted to keep the original mortared stone appearance. We poured a new wall upstream, rebuilt those areas that needed masonry repairs and added a cantilevered granite spillway. We also repaired the existing valve. In addition we built several pedestrian bridges over Jacks Brook, along with approx 2000 lf of walking trails. More... |
Crescent Lake Dam, Enfield, CT
This project was for CTDEP the earthen dikes were overgrown with brush and small trees which had to be mowed. The spillway was cracked and leaning in danger of falling over. We built a stepped spillway in front of existing. We built a new intake structure with wingwalls and outlet pipe. The structure included a new sluice gate to control the flows. In addition over 1000lf of new rip rap slope protection and streambank protection. More... |
Woodruff Dam, New Preston, CT
This dam was leaking badly on the right side; the low level pipe was broken. Owner wanted to keep the masonry appearance once finished. More... |